NA Business Management Services (NABMS) is a firm providing professional services, from the business itself to its employees, Terms and Conditions (T&C) also depending on Service Level Agreement (SLA). NA Business Management Services (NABMS) is wholly-owned, monitored, controlled and managed by the firm of professionally qualified and experienced accountants possessing all the relevant qualifications, competence and over 20 years of collective professional experiences.
NA Business Management Services (NABMS) was a brainchild of their holding company a firm of professionally qualified accountants to diverse the business support services at client disposal more efficiently, effectively, directly and economically. NA Business Management Services (NABMS) provides a variety of services directly not only to the business (B2B) but also to the individuals (B2C). Services can be delivered to employees of the business or the business directly.
The idea behind this set up was to set a different cost & management centre to segregate the work from the mainline holding company, their work, client base and also to appoint more dedicated staff in the service of people, the clients. In NA Business Management Services (NABMS), we believe that no job is small, less valued or ignore able, we believe that small customers turn in to big clients. At this platform, we offer you from printing your books, assignments, presentations to managing your digital and analogue bookkeeping. On the other side, we provide highly encrypted digital scanning and offline data storages to simplified document scanning. We arrange Pay as You Earn (PAYE) to Pensions for you. In short for a business to its employees and all the other individuals, we have all they may need, a “Total Business Solution”.